Good things come to those who wait

A proverb is a short, common phrase or saying that imparts advice or shares a universal truth. I love old adages and proverbs and have found myself believing and justifying some of the truths these ole little nuggets of wisdom hold.

“Good things come to those who wait” is one I struggle with from time to time. It relates to “patience is a virtue” and assumes that just the mere act of waiting will reward you with your desired outcome.

We all know life does not work that way. Just the simple act of waiting, will not, and cannot reward you with your goals, dreams, and desires. You need to take steps and put forth small consistent efforts to ensure you are on the path toward reaching and obtaining your goals.

Instead, why not try this thought? Better things will come to those who keep trying and continue to



A life well lived


You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.